Friday, October 7, 2011


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Thou that hast given so much to me,

Give one thing more- a grateful heart;

Not thankful when it pleaseth me,

As if Thy blessing had spare days;

But such a heart, whose pulse may be

Thy Praise.                        George Herbert.


ellen b. said...

Beautiful Bev! A very Happy Thanksgiving to your and yours!

Lovella ♥ said...

Beautiful prayer Bev ..I am saying it with you.

Kathy said...

What a beautiful collage. Yes...a grateful heart is what I ask for too. Happy Thanksgiving.

Judy said...

May we all have a grateful heart...not only this weekend, but always. Happy Thanksgiving to you and you family!

Peggy said...

Thanks for the prayer - many blessings to you and your family this weekend!

Anneliese said...

A wonderful, heartfelt prayer. Grateful people are a lot more fun to be around.

Betty said...

So much to be thankful for.

Kathie said...

Such a very lovely poem! And beautiful pictures to accompany it!