Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Happy Birthday Harv


Harv (on the trike) and his brother, Jim – I’m guessing he’s about 4 years old.

you’ve always maintained a good relationship with your family – I love the way your brother and you call each other about everything.

Vancouver Island 227

Harv and I this past summer in Tofino. (We were on a motorcycle trip which explains the leather jackets on a beach!)

(Oh the places we’ve seen and the things we’ve done! - You’ve made my life so interesting and so much fun.  I can’t think of anyone I’d rather be with!) 


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Your kids love you as a Dad and as a friend.  You’re generous to a fault and are great example to your family .

You’re a conscientious businessman – working well with your son and wife. (no mean achievement)

You do business with integrity and are highly respected by your colleagues.

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You’re a wonderful grandfather – so much fun to play with and always dreaming up exciting and new things for the children to do each time they come over.

I love you and wish you an awesome birthday.



Anneliese said...

The way you honor your husband shows that you have a great relationship. Happy Birthday, Harv!

Lovella ♥ said...

Oh Happy Birthday to your Harv. I have only really gotten to know you but this summer when we had the privilege of enjoying your beautiful yard, I had a chance to see how lovely you are as a couple.

ellen b. said...

That is a wonderful tribute to your guy! A very happy birthday to Harv!

Kathy said...

Happy Birthday Harv....Bev...what you said here about Harv is true of the Harv we know and love. Blessings on the year ahead. You are a wonderful friend! Scot & Kathy

irene said...

What a great tribute to Harv. As Jim's brother and my bil we can certainly attest to the qualities that you mentioned. We love that first pic. Jim would love a copy. Thank you as well for your love and generosity by having Monica stay with you. It means so much to her but also to us.

Betty said...

I'm a little late here but happy birthday wishes to Harv anyway. Great tribute Bev!