All of these beauties, plus a few which I'll post pictures of on another day, have graced my flowerbeds this summer.
The petals are so perfect they look like they've been handcrafted
(they actually are, aren't they!)
Delicately shaded and striped.
I dont' remember the name of these but aren't they intricate?
(not sure what variety)
Again - I've forgotten the variety but this is the second time it's bloomed this summer
Stargazer Lily
Absolutely stunning with 5 blooms on one stalk.
I absolutely delight in the incredible variety of shapes, colours and details these flowers display and am so grateful for the way God's creative heart blesses mine through these masterpieces of beauty.
(not sure what variety)
Again - I've forgotten the variety but this is the second time it's bloomed this summer
Stargazer Lily
Absolutely stunning with 5 blooms on one stalk.
Here's another whose name I've forgotten but they have very large dark green/red leaves and bloom in clumps on long stems coming out of the centre of the plant
The summer evening light creates it's own beauty.
The summer evening light creates it's own beauty.
They are so incredibly beautiful! I have some of the same blooming in my garden - but I am going to add Lavatera and Stargazer Lily to the list for next year. So pretty!
I enjoyed the walk through your garden this morning. The artist is a Master! Kathy
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