This weekend marks two important dates for our family.
First - my parents' anniversary.
They were married on May 15th, 1948 in Ontario and
remained committed to each other for 60 years.
Secondly, the second anniversary of my Mom's passing.
On May the 16th, 2008, the day after their 60th anniversary,
my mom passed away suddenly in her sleep leaving us all in shock.
Today I want to remember both events and honour my parents' marriage,
my Mom who is in Heaven and my Dad who is still here with us, in good health.
Dad - you and mom showed us by your example
the meaning of faithfulness and committment in marriage.
Thank you.
Janet and I and our families have been so thankful for you both.
Like you, we miss Mom and want you to know that not a day goes by
that we do not think of her and miss her.
May you celebrate the good memories and know that
we are praying for you and that we love you.
Love, Bev and Harv