Monday, January 3, 2011

Holiday Review


Pictures always speak louder than words so I’ll share the following review of our Christmas/New Years week with only a minimum of commentary.

Christmas Day we headed down to Seattle to be with our oldest son and his family. (The other 2 families were spending Christmas Day with their in-laws)

As you can see, the kids enjoyed their gifts.





On Boxing day we had breakfast and then spent the hour before church started at GasWorks Park.  The views were lovely, there are alot of old gas pipes to climb on and a hill that is great to fly kites from



We had friends in for dinner several times during the following week, and also celebrated the engagement of our friend’s son.DSC06243

On New years Eve we enjoyed home made sushi and a raclette meal at our friends’ home.







New Years Day my Dad, our oldest son and his family and our youngest son and his wife came to celebrate Christmas.  Unfortunately, our daughter and her family were unable to make the trip to be with us this year.


Grandson Nate read the Christmas story from a wonderful children’s Bible, called the Jesus Storybook Bible. (written by Sally Lloyd-Jones and published by Zondervan)


Grandprincess E loved the apron and ABC book her Nana made for her.DSC06348

After opening gifts there was time for hot tubbing, bird watching and rocket launching and Grandson N even got in a few runs on the dirtbike.


He also had a great chat with his Opa (my Dad).  It’s so nice seeing the oldest and youngest generations enjoying each other.


We ended our day with the traditional Turkey dinner and after the children were tucked into their beds, we sat and talked and played games.




It’s hard to believe another holiday season is over.  This week the decorations will be packed away and life will resume its daily rhythm. 

God has walked with us through the highs and lows of the past year and we are trusting Him to carry us through the coming year.

From our family to yours – May you be kept safe within the hollow of God’s  hand.  We wish you all a wonderful New Year.


ellen b. said...

Oh what fun Bev! Love all the photos. The apron is so so cute and that ABC book looks so full of wonder.
Your table setting really caught my eye! So lovely Bev. Love those trees and the figures. Great job folding those napkins! Reminds me of a brunch I attended this year. :o)
Look at that sun shining in that hot tub shot...

Peggy said...

What a wonderful Christmas for you all! So glad to see the pic of E in her apron - and it fits!!!! Many, many blessings to you! Peg

Kathy said...

Looks like you spent the holidays with all the people who mean so much to you and that you love. I liked your table...I'm sure the grands thought it was perfect...with the bikes and all.

Anneliese said...

Your table looks so fun and festive too! It must feel so good to be able to enjoy your newly done room with family and friends.

Marg said...

I can feel all the energy in this blog. It looks like your renovations have made your home so much more practical for entertaining that wonderful family of yours.
Enjoying all the good news with you Bev.